Friday, July 4, 2008

Running on empty?

Ronnie in Oklahoma asks: "Why are there so many people running amok?"

To some it's a sign of the end times and the biblical prophecy in the book of Matthew coming to fruition:
"...the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and bodies will be running amok all willy-nilly."

Regardless of one's religious beliefs there's no denying running around aimlessly in a general state of panic is on the rise. Whether it's just a passing fad or not is hard to say, but amok runs are gaining in popularity all across the country, even though there's no official start or finish line, no preset course to follow, and no winner. Anyone confused and disoriented by life can participate in amok running, but it's a good idea to be cleared by a psychologist beforehand just to verify you're not mentally healthy.


Unknown said...

Nike just came out with the "Air Amok"

addison said...

I just found out New Balance is trying to cash in on this market too. They call it "Unbalanced". They're designed to make you trip and fall a lot for that authentic running amok feel.