Saturday, June 14, 2008

Chakra Khan?

Constance in England asks: "How do I know if I have a color aura around me?"

Everyone has an aura. They are formed by the electromagnetic field created by the energy given off from our bodies. To view someones aura you need to relax your eyes and focus on the emptiness in the subject's head. If that doesn't work trying it while stoned usually helps. The color of an aura will depend on the balance and harmony of a person's Chakra, and how much their underwear is riding up at the moment.
Seeing auras can be a valuable guide on whether to engage in conversation or avoid someone. For example, if you're eating lunch with a co-worker and see a green aura around them it means that person is in a growth mode and will have no qualms about stealing your fruited tofu curry salad. If you're a male and you see a hot pink aura around a female's aureoles it means she's sexually aroused, or that it's cold outside (if you act on it you'll find out quickly which of the two it is). If you see a rainbow aura around a person it signifies they are a Reki healer, or gay, or both. If you see any aura filled with floating white specs it means that an angel is close by; or if it's a woman, that she's pregnant, or will soon become impregnated by an angel. If you see brown it can mean that person is very materialistic, or that their personal hygiene practices leave a lot to be desired.

*Check the laws where you live as viewing auras is illegal in some countries.

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