Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wascully wabbits?

Harm in Wisconsin asks: "Is hunting immoral?"

It depends on the moral character of the hunter's prey. Just as there are good and bad humans, there are also good and bad animals. If an animal is living a good and moral life then killing it is immoral. In Dante's Divine Comedy the ninth circle of hell was reserved for hunters committing this sin. However if an animal is immoral then shooting it is morally justifiable.
Hunters can detect which animals are immoral by observing their behavior in the wild. For instance, if you spot a deer acting skittish and nervously looking around for hunters with guns then you can be fairly certain that type of paranoid conduct is brought on by a degenerate and immoral lifestyle. Hunters are doing all the well behaved animals victimized by these woodland hooligans a favor by making their forest sanctuary a safer and more peaceful place.

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